Allee Willis is a fantastic and accomplished songw... ...nado, it's my sworn duty to bring you these Bacon Shoes :Nothin’ tastier in the morning then to slip... ...the morning then to slip on a nice pair of bacon shoes and go about your day. As someone who loves the m... ...og/2009/09/25/allee-willis-ki... two sportswear companies Puma and Adidas, base... Adi and Rudolf Dassler. The two brothers made shoes together beginning in the 1920s but split apart d... may be counterintuitive (and hard to digest for... ...e myself who always have to tell our kids to wear shoes when playing outside) but going barefoot may actu... ..., as these runners still wear thin rubber running shoes like the ones shown to the left):Recent research... ...for all their high-tech featur... this fellow doesn't have a car on which... ...If you had bumper stickers on the back of your shoes , what would they say? Link via Gear Fuse in time for Mothers' Day! It's the Zombie Stomper Heel, which the seller describes as "Perfect for stompin’ on zombies..and men’s hearts." Link via Double Plus Undead... do the rich and famous do with all their doug... ...s first thought to own more than 6,000 individual shoes , a number which was later downgraded to a mere 1,... is no laughing matter, say circus bosses as... ...g matter, say circus bosses as they ban ... clown shoes :A clown has been told he cannot wear his giant co... ...own has been told he cannot wear his giant comedy shoes during his act because they breach health and saf... having solved all of the world's problems li... ...tion to the vexing problem of why the top of your shoes get soaked when walking on a wet pavement: The te... ...e top of the shoe.The researchers calculated that shoes flick up about a pint of water after walking 20 k... designers have been busy incorporating the la... ...een busy incorporating the latest technology into shoes . This list has shoes embedded with iPod transmitters, CDs, MP3 players... ...n-the-dark logos! shoes -2919520.html -via Digg Bruno Frisoni presents a pair of shoes that will set you back $43,000! The Dovima, as t... ...orms that attach before you wear them to keep the shoes