The premise is right in the title. This is an elab... ....[] (YouTube link)The Shironeko cats (previously at Neatorama) are really into bo...[](Vide... ...ll react.-via Rocket News 24See also: More of the Shironeko cats.[] (YouTube link)The most chill cats in the world are all dressed up for Halloween! And as usual, it's a non-stop party atmosphere... if your idea of a party is a good nap. This video will have...[] (YouTube link)The Shironekoshiro cats, the most laid-back cats in the world, enjoy...[] (YouTube link)The Shironekoshiro cats sit up in their chairs, as if they were huma... Link)Be sure to wear some flowers in your fur. Of course, it takes a special breed to be this happy to just hang out with flowers in their fur.Via BoingBoing..., Japan's most laid-back cat, has reached a level of fame in which fans can buy their own version of him (but only in Japan). Watch Shiro test the new toy to show how authentic it is. The plushie is almost as pa... link)The cats from Kagonekoshiro (Basket Cat Blog) are ready for a holiday party! Which will keep their hat on the longest? My money is on Shiro -not only because he's the most patient and balanced c... loves small baskets the way Maru loves boxes. And 9-year-old Shiro has a patient zen attitude for wearing hats and other materials on his head, which leads to many photo and video opportunities. See photos and vid...