Neatorama Posts Tagged "service dog"
An Important Lesson About Service Dogs

We all love service dogs , and we are in awe of their abilities and their l...  ...rnet for people to learn that rule. But what if a service dog approaches you? That would be surprising, but it...  ...on. Lumpatronics told a story about how and why a service dog might come up to...
Dog Sits for Caricature

MY PARENTS ARE AT DISNEYLAND AND JUST SENT ME TH...  ...u just love this scene spotted at Disneyland of a dog sitting for an artist to draw his caricature? He&...  ...tist to draw his caricature? He’s wearing a service vest, so he’s not only a good dog , but a work...
Hardware Store Hires Service Dog, Gives Him Custom Uniform

A man in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada was having t...  ...offered him a job--and then signed on his servce dog , too!(Photos: Lowe's Canada)His name is Blue. Lik... for Blue.I'm not surprised. Lowe's is a very dog -friendly company. My parents visit their local st...  ...t their local store often and usu...
Woman With Asperger's and the Service Dog Who Prevents Her From Self Harm

[] YouTube LinkThis vi...  ...syndrome, shows the powerful positive impact her service dog Samson has in her battle with the disorder. Danie...  ...takes action and does his best to soothe her. The dog
Honoring A School Therapy Dog Retiree

Prince worked as a therapy dog at Portage High School in Indiana for four years...  ...s before retiring this spring. To honor the pup's service , the school opted to include him in the yearbook...
Graduating Together...

Bridget Evans, founder of the Illini Service Dog Program, received her Masters degree from the Col...  ...was accompanied at the graduation ceremony by her service dog Hero. Evans said,Hero knows over forty commands t...  ...while Bridget got a Masters, Hero was awarded a " dog...
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