This amazingly large, and incredibly detailed,... ...edibly detailed, production model of the starship Serenity from the scifi tv show Firefly was recently unear... ...iled 12-foot-long filming model of the Reaverized Serenity . We could hardly believe what we were seeing!... fans will enjoy this paper craft version of Malcolm Reynolds gun. Created by Leo Firebrand of Firebrand Creations this gallery features his work on the replica firearm. Link... Link) My apologies for those of you who... ...those of you who aren't familiar with Firefly and Serenity , but if you have seen them, then you just might e... open in a new browser window/tab)... ...Link Serenity Bar Fight Rehearsal Remember the f... ...Remember the fight scene in the movie Serenity where River pwns the entire bar?...