First little kids started embracing the dark and b... ...cing the dark and brutal sounds of metal, and now seniors are out to prove you're never too old to melt fa...[] (YouTube link)As a counterpart to the supercut of Kids Dancing to Taylor Swift's “Shake It Off,” Robert Jones has compiled a video of older people dancing, this time to “Tu... at USA Today, Don Campbell... ...nay reverse "ageism" that is the senior citizen discount. He opines: .... live to 85 or 90 be considered a " senior citizen " worthy of special treatment?... ...I've now passed all the age benchmar... is what happen when superheroes get a little long in the tooth, and grow so old that they aren't quite as super any more. This series of paintings by Swedish artist Andreas Englund shows the fate of all non-immo... Jenkins of Indianapolis, Indiana was awakened from sleep Tuesday morning by a loud crash. He found an intruder climbing through the living room window. Jenkins said he grabbed his cane and hit the intruder in th... says that old people can't dance? Here's The Awesome Threesome performing at Leisure World (a retirement community) in Florida.Check 'em bust a move (without busting a hip, thankfully) to Michael Jackson's Billie Jea... 96-year-old Taiwanese man finished a master's degree program in Philosophy after being told "he was too old to continue as a volunteer at a local hospital." Known as "Grandpa Chao", this old man was...