Artist John Lopez, an accomplished sculptor in bro... ...a great story behind Lopez starting to work with scrap metal . From his website:"This unusual detour started ab... ...wn or post office, so he went looking through the scrap iron on site.After some experimentation, he finis... ...ath was born in that ce... Breeze, 23, of Israel sent a collection o... ...ow her father taught himself to make jewelry from scrap metal when he was out of work. "About a year ago, my fa... ...e and showed me a piece of jewelry he made out of scrap metal . The jewelry junkie inside me felt like my world... artist Christian Champin uses old machinery to create sculptures, mostly of animals--strange animals. His creatures are both funny and convincing. You can view more at his gallery.Gallery and Video -via Lustik... anybody seen the bridge? Sometime since yester... ...e thieves. They believe the bridge was stolen for scrap metal . Its worth was an estimated TL 20,000.Meanwhile,... affirmations of grace and style are the mark of a wine connoisseur. This is how you should present your wine in a way that communicates your breeding and upbringing. Now for sale on Craigslist: a 32-bottle w... aus Strahl is an art studio in German... ...Germany that produces fantastic sculptures out of scrap metal , including this sadly nonfunctional Mercedes 300... at the link, including ones that show the scrap metal spare tires in the trunk and the scrap metal...