Do you have an old Scrabble board game abandoned because of a few missing til... tiles? (Or perhaps because you hate losing at Scrabble ) Well, turn it into this marvelous DIY photo fram... fast-paces time-wasting word game, indeed! D... ...wasting word game, indeed! DeepLeap is like speed Scrabble and Keith Crane of Akron, Ohio created an eig... ...Crane of Akron, Ohio created an eight-foot square Scrabble board for their yard! He fashioned the board fro... ...tiles were sealed to prevent water damage. Now Scrabble games at the Crane house are a physical as well a... was commissioned to build a computer... ...uild a computer keyboard for some friends who are Scrabble fans. Most of the keys are actual Scrabble board game Scrabble is 60 years old, or maybe 70, depending on where... love me a good game night. Monopoly gets pretty... ...ite (at least, my favorite) games. Monopoly Scrabble came about in 1939 when architect Alfred Mosher B... ...There are 96 two-letter words that are "legal" in Scrabble … including 10 that are spelled with vowels only... ...wels only. I'm so learni...