Giraffe populations have dropped drastically over the last 20 years. In fact, their numbers in Northern Kenya have dropped 70% over the last two decades. Researchers in the area have set up a number of camera traps to he... you have school-aged kids, then they're almost... ...r to Instructables and check out these six summer science projects that are interesting, educational and fu... Doctor Green by Gualda TrazosMost people have had a bad doctor experience at one point or another, but it's one thing to have a doctor who doesn't know everything about your condition and another thing to have a d... recently posted a video about cats attacking things and knocking objects off tables. I mentioned that they were trying to cause chaos and destruction, but Chris Poole has an alternate theory. These cats are conducting... men still deny that mansplaining is a real thing or that even if it does exist, that it's a problem, but those men obviously have never had someone assume they were completely ignorant on a subject based solely on t...'s pretty common for liquor and grocery stores t... ...e actually ruining your sparkling investment. The science is sound too. The cold, humidless air in the refr... you teach a young student scientific theory and they run with it …into the history books. Not only do students need to do experiments to show what they've learned, they often think outside the box, and b... you go to a themepark with about 20 regular park attendees, it's entirely possible that every single one of them will have their own personal favorite ride. That's because what's mind-blowingly scary for one rider may... all know octopuses and squid are weird. What you might not know is just how weird they are. In fact, these creatues actually use their RNA in a quite different way than practically any other animal on earth: Stanford... upon a time, any scientist in a movie would l... ...e as possible within a story. So they consult the Science and Entertainment Exchange, which connects scient... ..., the Bad Astronomer, has a few movie credits for science consulting, most recently for Arrival.[https://yo... ...e link)Plait tells more a...