Medical science has progressed so much in the last 100 years that... have been known to roll in stuff that helps r... ...ver know for sure, but this Speaking Of Chemistry video from Reactions explains how nepetalactone both at...'ve been told for decades the best way to treat... ...ancisco's Aquarium of the Bay to discuss the real science behind the process:..the amount of acid you&rsquo... that little drinking bird toy that fascinated us when we were young because it would "drink" all day long without batteries or an obvious power source?Many of us think these perpetual motion machines run on magi... a bottle with your bare hands isn't advis... ...reak a bottle with your bare hands that relies on science and an understanding of how bottles are made rath... and the Backyard Scientist demonstrate in this video all it takes is the right amount of liquid in the... jumping beans are a prank store classic- a... ...on Whistler of Today I Found Out explained in the video - jumping "beans" are actually a seed pod from th... Video Link)It seems that people have a better understan... ...ll.Kurzgesagt have made all kinds of “short videos Link)Under (im)proper cooking... ...n action-it's a beautiful thing!(Want to skip the science