Science fiction stories, books, and movies can inspire as well as... ...uo;t hold them to the high standards of real-life science . But some books will amaze even specialists.Dr. C... lot of terms you might think came from science actually came from science fiction . Some of those words, like robot, cryostasis, and... ...ike robot, cryostasis, and spaceship were born in fiction but later became real science . Others,... well do you know fictional planets from movies, TV, books, and video games?... ...s, and video games? Anyone who calls themselves a science fiction fan should do well in this quiz on made-up planet... ...ill do better. All those years of watching cheesy science fiction m... often take the easy way out and just call Godzi... Japanese. But trying to classify it as either science fiction or horror forces an examination the specific elem... Via Cosplayer SK)(Image Via LAG)There&rsquo... ...ndom conventions, adult comic book collectors and science fiction productions reaching a broader audience than ever... are more movies about time travel than you m... ...ay realize, because not all of them are under the science fiction label. There are also comedies and romances and h...[] (YouTube link)A shapeshifting alien with the best of intentions has a rough landing on Earth and meets a man in a van. The man is apparently on the run from the police. Then things get reall... Link)Here’s a far out mus... ...t in the nick of time.This spaced out song called Science Fiction by The Telekinetics, and the chorus is sure to be... ...round with stars in their eyes- I want to live in science fiction .The Telekinetics have a timeless sound that goes... Battlestar Galactica/Sci-Fi Channel)At McSweeney's, Captain Ariel Karlin writes of her great dilemma. We all grow up with images of space captains sending their enemies out airlocks in quick but bloody deaths. Bu... since zombies went from being voodoo cursed individuals to rotting brain biters there have been a ton of variations on the same theme, with new rules and types of zombies popping up in every movie made about those s...