Professors get a real kick out of trolling their students, but this one is not that far from the truth. Scientists often snack on their work, including tube worms. However, in an academic setting, gummy worms go down a l... 6th grade teacher handed out this study guide to her students. Redditor Dixichick13 corresponded with the teacher and determined that it was not a true or false quiz or a "find the incorrect statements" quiz. The teach...[] (YouTube link)I'm no... ...'s a good reason for wearing goggles in chemistry class . -via Daily Picks and Flicks link) Doodling a robot elephant is so much more fun than etoecology! -via Buzzfeed... says high school science is boring? A hazmat team was summoned to a school... ...a can of the preserved cabbage exploded in a food sciences class . Teachers didn't know what was inside the can... this awesome scenario: your science teacher assigns you to imagine a situation in whi... ...That's what Brookline, Massachusetts high school science teacher Ron Dantowitz did to his three best stude... ...nd read all about the mission and the high school science pro...