In the words of a Charmin ad campaign, "we all go,... sacrifice a little privacy in exchange for the scenery , but when you get a once-in-a-lifetime bathroom e..., Colorado is known for its amazing scenery and this gorgeous house only seven miles out of t... you're looking for an outhouse, they shouldn't be this hard to find. I understand you want them located away from the main house, but these are far away from anything! However, the locations were probably select... Powell and Juergen Horn are continuing the... bridges. But if you’re a fan of mountain scenery , and not on a tight schedule, this trip is defini... a vacation? While we can't help you get out of the office, we can make it easier to imagine you are. The 26 photos on Web Ecoist's Water on the Rocks series is sure to help you feel relaxed and inspired. Link...