Virtuoso violinist Niccolò Paganini packed... ...picting the devil as a fiddle player.The image of Satan as a fiddler took off during the Baroque period,... someone who types in anagrams, I can assure you... ...simple transposition of letters means it goes to Satan instead. The filmmakers at Anomaly London went wi... ...nomaly London went with it and speculated on what Satan would do when he got one of those letters. This s... ...ient. That threw him off-kilte... First Amendment to the Constitution begins: "C... ...t on a first-come, first-served basis. In August, Satanic Temple member Iris Fontana opened the meeting wit... ...ana opened the meeting with a prayer that invoked Satan . At another meeting, an atheist spoke for the inv... Via TheSatanicTempleFirst of all, we need to... .... That having been said, have you heard about the Satanic Children's Book of Big Activities? Well, if you l... ...ugh it is not quite what you may think it is. The Satanic Temple is a political organization that tests the... ...the exclusion of other re... at Neatorama are of the opinion that pretty much anything sloth-related is adorable, but this cake might be an exception given those horrorific vampire teeth and the fact that he's urging a bunch of strawberry chicks... Ken Bohn / San Diego Zoo I... ...nimal baby born in 2011 at the San Diego Zoo is a satanic gecko. That's right, there's a gecko na... ...gecko named after Beelzebub: The satanic leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) is nat... 1971, Gerald Mayo sued Satan in U.S. District Court, alleging that the Dark On... ...t Mayo had failed to serve process of the suit to Satan , and that the court lacked jurisdiction over the... ...y of the decision: Civil rights action against Satan and his servants who...