Should Hollywood actors be paid 1. a fair wage for... hair, makeup, and special effects, receive a salary based on union rates.) In a communication leaked... ...t the complicated business of assigning value and salary to movie stars at Vanity Fair. -via Metafilter April of 2015, Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Paymen... ...f Gravity Payments, decided to phase in a minimum salary of $70,000 a year for his employees. He himself t...[]YouTube LinkThe workforce in Japan is known for dealing with long and brutal hours. Salaried employees have little time for a life outside of work. In this footage, a man who calls himself "S... governments have a lot of people on the payr... ....Based on data drawn from media reports and state salary databases, the ranks of the highest-paid active p... Claire McCaskill is angry at the Wall Stre... ...dent of the United States. Obama's current annual salary is $400,000."We have a bunch of idiots on Wa...