In a case of fake news that goes back 150 years, t... Stanton, the press pounced on it. The lasting rumor defied even physical evidence to the contrary. Th...
Jefferson Davis in Women’s Clothing...
Sex in Aladdin: Anatomy of a Rumor
The following is an article from Uncle John's Gian... 24, 1995, tells the story of how a significant rumor was born. It's one of the best investigative piec..., an acquaintance tipped her off to a startling rumor : The Magic Kingdom was sending obscene subliminal... ...ike a toddler introduction t...
Is Any All-Female House Really Considered a Brothel?...
It's been a very long time since I was a college student, so this was something new to me. There is talk on some campuses about an "old law" that says a house with a certain number of females living there is legally cons...
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