Newly appointed Norwegian minister of internat... ...Here's what he has to say about roleplaying: “ RPGs can be extremely relevant in putting people in si... ...have friends in Bergen who’ve run human-rights RPGs . But you have to be professional. You create real... ...the same time, it’s what makes it...
Norwegian Diplomat Says Role Playing Can Save The World...
You Can Help Develop Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition...
What do old school tabletop gamers, people who have recently discovered pen and paper roleplaying games, and those who are sick of paying a monthly fee for their MMO and/or want to actually see their fellow players sitti...
SwapNote Is Turned Into An Old School RPG
(YouTube Link) One of the great things about this hi-tech world we live in is the fact that most software applications have a multitude of other uses that have yet to be discovered, and even the programmers that created...
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