Neatorama Posts Tagged "romania"
This Japanese Man Taught Himself Romanian and Then Became a Published Novelist in Romanian

Tettyo Saito, 30, has spent many years as a hikiko...  ...ot of movies during that time, including one from Romania that fascinated him.Saito realized that he needed...  ...aito realized that he needed to learn some of the Romanian language to understand the movie better. So, with...  ...xtbooks and online commu...
How the Mesmerizing ‘Sibiu Eyes’ Became a Protest Symbol in Romania

The picture here has been all over the internet fo...  ...things. These small windows are set into roofs in Romania to allow ventilation into attics where food is st...  ...eyes, as if the house itself is watching you. In Romanian , you might say “Vă vedem,” which mea...  ...onths of 2017, hundreds...
Traveling Through Transylvania With Dracula as a Guide...

Luke Spencer went on a quest to trace the steps of...  ...nsylvania is no longer a country, but a region of Romania . And that wasn’t the only name that changed...  ...halfway between Budapest, Hungary, and Bucharest, Romania , the city shed the name Stoker knew it by after W...  ..., when Transylvania bec...
Photos Capture the Individuality Residents Infuse in Their Identical, One-Room Apartments...

Fourth Floor, Apartment #22: Don Lukas (An alias a... with his girlfriend.Bogdan Gîrbovan is a Romanian photographer living in Bucharest. The Bucharest a...
Ten Strange New Year's Traditions From Around The World...

(Image Link)New Year's Eve falls on December 31st...  ...and a ship signifies lots of travel to come.7. In Romania They Wear Bear Costumes And Talk To Livestock-(Im...  ...r Bear Costumes And Talk To Livestock-(Image Link) Romanians are a rather superstitious lot, so their New Year...  ...ff evil spirits, since...
The World's First Kinetic Steampunk Bar Opens in Romania

[]YouTube LinkRomania'...  ...ptures, is the design of The 6th Sense Interiors. Romanian designers Alexandru Tohotan and Zoltan Zelenyak,...
A Suspicious Neighborhood...

No, you shouldn’t be suspicious of this neig...! This is a picture of Liar's Bridge in Sibiu, Romania . The legend is that if you tell a lie while stand...
Romanian Kids Parody the "Rich Kids of Instagram"

There's an Instagram account and Tumblr with the t...  ...every square shot. Yet there's a group of kids in Romania who have something to say in response. Under the...
One Seriously Dreamy Bookstore...

This is Cărtureşti Carusel (“The Carousel...  ...rdquo;), located on a trendy street in Bucharest, Romania . The city of Bucharest is sometimes referred to a...
The Subterranean Theme Park 390ft Down in a Transylvanian Salt Mine...

For hundreds of years, workers broke and hauled sa...  ...e and hauled salt out of the Salina Turda mine in Romania . That stopped in the 20th century. Since 1992, th...

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