Photo: Tareom On Tuesday even... ...014, the life of Trebo Herbert and his family was rocked when giant boulders crashed into their house in... ...n owner of a local farm, told journalist that the rockfall "sounded as if a train had thundered through... ...txHlProWo] View more amazin...
When Giant Boulders Come Crashing Down...
A Close Call in a Rock Slide
[] (YouTube link)A heav... heavy storm in Keelung, Taiwan, dislodges a rock perched at the top of a hill. It comes to rest on... .... Go back to the beginning of the clip to see the rock start to move. The white car did not get away uns...
Coastal Erosion in Cornwall...
(YouTube link) From what we've seen in the pa... on CCTV, but it's still astonishing that this rock slide was caught on video. The footage was taken of a c... ...e person taking the video had noticed a few small rock
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