Fans felt certain a sequel to the original Star Wa... ...the big screen was nearly spot on.(Warning: This video contains a minor spoiler if you haven't seen The... are always trying to keep their children from becoming like some group society has deemed undesirable, like the Hare Krishnas in the 70s or the Juggalos today, but for my money there has never been a group more r... Video Link)1988 was a fun year to be alive and over fiv... ...nold's Wonder Years were on the small screen, and video games just kept getting better in terms of graphi... ...on the year 1988 in this pop culture compilation video created by Simon Peterson called Re... media becomes increasingly digitized there&rsqu... behold as you strolled down the aisles of the video store, and even though many of them featured artw... Link)Everything Is Terrible!... ...ble! loves to expose interwebs article surfers to video oddities that probably should have died with the... Link)Lost footage from a San Diego Comic-Con show in 1978, starring co-creator of Elfquest Wendy Pini, has been discovered thanks to a fan who was filming it all from the audience.Here's the story behind this e... Link) Grandpa Jim wants to throw a house party for your kids, where he'll teach them about religion and old timey fun in a lame, milquetoast approved way! So this is what (some) kids did for fun before the inte... Link) If you know someone who is in po... ...d up like the b-ball champ in this hilarious home video from 1990. This sporty geek apparently has his... Link) This amazing anti-theft security case was designed to make a bad guy's life a living hell if he decides to pull a snatch and run. Complete with long telescoping rods that encumber movement, a blaring alar... Link) Back in the 1980s, the martial a... ...o is it any wonder that this charmingly hilarious video , featuring a rap about Karate and lots of flashy... ...e a big splash back in the day? Enjoy this bit of retro