Saint Nicholas, the bishop in Asia Minor who is co... ...the time, cities and churches often competed for relics , which brought power and prestige to their hometo... ...ccessful sports team might today. Originally, the relics trade had been nourished by the catacombs in Rome... ...of the remains trumped any..., Virginia, was once the site of Fort Monro... opportunity to excavate the area. All sorts of relics from the Civil War refugee community have been re... we had postcards, refrigerator magnets, and... ...u can make a distinction between a souvenir and a relic , but the overarching concept is something that ha... ...xhibition and book, these objects were initially relics , and then they became classified as souvenirs. I... ...o realize the operative se... died 400 years ago, and were never dressed th... ...olic churches and religious houses to replace the relics destroyed in the wake of the Protestant Reformati... ...s, found and photographed dozens of jeweled human relics . Read about them at the Mail Online. Link See a l... ship discovered off the coast of North Carolina in 1997 has been identified by experts as the Queen Anne's Revenge, a ship used by the pirate Blackbeard. The ship was originally named Le Concorde before the pirate seiz...