Because Albert Einstein was so well-known and rega... ...He held quite a few patents, including one for a refrigerator that would make the appliances much safer. In th... ...the appliances much safer. In the 1920s, nascent refrigerators used highly toxic, corrosive, or flammable compou... ...eo Szilard thus...'s pretty common for liquor and grocery stores t... ...iquor and grocery stores to keep champagne in the refrigerator section and many people buy champagne and store i... within three or four days of putting it in the refrigerator , you're actually ruining your sparkling investmen... ...ence is sound... read about the Oneida Community, which evolved into a silverware company. It’s not the only intentional community, or utopia, that morphed into a successful consumer goods company. the Amana settlement in Iowa b... do you do if your friends come over and drink all of your beer? You need a hidden supply to keep for emergency purposes.Peter Götting of Germany is prepared. He built a 3-tiered beer stash of 30 bottles that ri...'ve seen magnets that make a refigerator look li... ...and keep his drinks cool in the still-functional refrigerator't the appeal of the Nintendo Game Boy that it's small and easily portable? That market must have changed. If you want a huge Game Boy, then check out Freezer Boy's line of Game Boy appliance magnets. They'll give any... is a fictional soft drink on the TV show Fut... ...esh can of Slurm! You can with this little retail refrigerator that redditor Adammorgan710 made out of an old Re... with in-door ice and water dispensers and fancy e... ...overed how to activate the water dispenser on the refrigerator so he can get a drink anytime he wants. Smart dog... the Great Depression, one of President Roos... ...d War II, IH developed a massive campaign to sell refrigerators and freezers to the newly-powered rural area. The... and more household appliances are coming with internet connections, usually to enable us to program them with our smartphones. So what could possibly go wrong?"Hal, I want you to keep my leftovers and beer properly...