Some parents get mighty lonesome when their kids go off to college or study abroad, and when a selfie and a little Skype time simply won't fill that void these lonesome loved ones need a stand-in.So a caring son who goes... of the stuff posted online is meant to teach... make the poster sound egotistical and smug.But Redditor Msmessyclean wasn't trying to stroke her own ego... a selfie with a goat seems like no big deal... ...ntion of the interwebs- with his eyebrows.A young Redditor named chirv went for a run down the road when his... ...rmized by chirv's fabulous tufts of over eye hair. Redditors naturally went a bit Photoshop crazy with the lad... love to share their newfound love of art with... ...r ingenious solution was shared with the world by Redditor jerschneid.-Via Bored Panda stories like The Jungle Book and Tarzan are to... ....This shy husky mix is named Tally, and her owner Redditor Dong_of_justice says that being raised around cat... are many things you’d expect to find a..., not all of them on display, but attendee and redditor OB1FBM decided to pose with the visible cracks fo... who watches the Cartoon Network show Advent... ...around chewing on the delicious looking buildings. Redditor IHaveAFluffyCat wanted to bring Princess Bubblegu... Star Wars watercolor paintings by Redditor terry_cook1 have come from a galaxy far, far away... doesn't get much kookier, or more twisted,... ...strange drawings done in MS Paint by a friend of Redditor TheLittleClayroo over seven years ago. If you'...