YouTube member carsandwater has another mission fo... ...carsandwater has another mission for his beloved nickel ball . He had a request to see what a red - hot ball of n...[] (YouTube link)YouTu... ...YouTube member carsandwater continues to drop his Red Hot Ball of Nickel on random things to see what happens, this time o... ...te with tremors, smoke, steam, and a lava flow...[]YouTu... ...een YouTube channels NurdRage and Carsandwater, a red - hot ball of nickel Link)Sugary snacks have been an... ...r, but this year Peeps are meeting their end in a hot new way- death by red hot ball of nickel[] (YouTube link)Psst!... ...ano of cheese? Watch what happens when the famous red - hot nickel ball is placed on a brick of Velveeta. It doesn't sink... ...fe fight, it might make good armor against musket... the video clip of the guy dropping a red hot nickel ball onto stuff? We've featured a clip where the... ...onto stuff? We've featured a clip where the red *strong class="matc...[] How do you ge... ...views in just a couple of days? 1. Heat a nickel ball with a blowtorch until it's redhot 2. Put it on top of a block of ice...