Finding and collecting rare books takes specialized knowledge. We all have an attic... ...lized knowledge. We all have an attic full of old books , because books are hard to let go of. But the ones that are wort... ...of. But the ones that are worth big bucks are the *stron... Marks volunteers with the group Friends of Kn... ...morial Library, and found himself pricing donated books for a vintage book sale to benefit Knight Memorial Library in Provid... ...major; this had to be worth something. Since the book had been published in Philadelphia... long, long time ago in a country far, far away t... ...a, and bringing their thoughts to life in a comic book .An assistant history professor named Maggie Green... ...or named Maggie Greene discovered this incredibly rare Chinese comic book version of Star Wars, entitled Xi... you're a big fan of woodcut illustrations of sc... ...nn Auction Galleries will host an auction of some rare astronomy and science books from the private collection of physicist Martin C...