Young woman was found dead in a park in Seville, S... ...proved the woman likely died from being violently raped , police couldn't believe they tossed vital eviden... medical care requires an inordinate amount of trust in doctors, who have an inordinate amount of power over their patients, the Hippocratic Oath sets up standards for medical ethics. Although it is blessedly rare... I saw the original headline late last night,... ...the hand and offered her an escort. Then she was raped by this “friend.” Only one, Laura Dun... the victim. If the fastest way to stop campus rape is for women to stop drinking, then doesn't that... posted a response from Amanda...[] (YouTube link)The In... ...SA to highlight the attitudes of many involved in rape cases.Every sexual assault case in India inspires... (GHB) is odorless and colorless. But it's now possible to detect it easily. There are materials that change color when they come into contact with GHB. If you make a glass out of it, the drinker can... new "anti- rape " condom could protect women in dangerous areas fr... Three decades after he fled Los Angeles, direc... with a minor" to avoid being charged with rape by use of drugs (he gave alcohol and quaaludes to... ...f both countries) protested Polanski's arrest. Is rape of a minor not a serious offense in those two cou... see a woman being dragged down a deserted stai... ...rk judge has recently tossed out a lawsuit by the rape victim who claimed that two subway employees did... ...two subway employees did nothing more to stop her rape than just calling the cops from the safety of the... the safety of their posts: A...