Image: Victor M. Ortega Raindrops keep falling on its head And the humming... ...e Nothin' seems to matter Those raindrops are fallin' on its head, they keep flyin'...
Raindrop Keeps Falling on a Hummingbird's Head
How a Mosquito Survives Collision with Raindrops 50 Times Its Weight
[YouTube Link] A raindrop weighs 50 times a mosquito, so how does the lowly... ...ts of water into the cage to simulate raindrops falling 10 meters, the height at which they achie...
The Amazing Pictures That Explain Why No Two Raindrops Are Alike
It's a question you might find yourself pondering... ...find yourself pondering on a wet weekend - why do raindrops come in so many different shapes and sizes? Scien... ...through space with a high-speed camera.It shows a raindrop starts as a sphere but bursts into a shower of sm...
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