Code monkeys who attended the Waza 2013 conference... to learn how to do traditional crafts, such as quilting , origami and computer-controlled Zen gardening. T... ...these activities make people better coders:At the quilting station instructor Maura Grace Ambrose encouraged...'s beautiful quilts show the six main characters (Mane 6) of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic plus Applejack's brother Big Macintosh. They're perfect for anypony who wants to keep warm in the chilly days after... Healy, an artist in Philadelphia, quilted entire rooms of a house and put them on display at a local airport. It's like relief sculpture, but rendered in fabric. Her designs are chosen from memories of her childhood... aren't your grandma's quilts, although I'm sure she would respect the skill and originality it took to create these comfy works of fabric art. Created by Ben Venom, a man with a name so metal that his soft rock...