No man in his right mind would mess with Gnome Ann! Gnome Ann is the superhero we deserve, I guess. Where did she come from? Gnome Ann's Land! She is one of a kind. She can do what no man can do. This is the latest from... explanation of the universe starts with the ve... another, which is only more opportunities for puns . I mean, really, who thinks of rhyming ebola viru... truck was spotted in Florida. If you were following it, you might become alarmed until you saw it from the side. The truck belongs to All-Pro Blinds (note the URL), which has several locations in northern Florida. I... super-smart characters in the webcomic CommitS... ...form of humor. But we get a kick out of both the pun and the robot’s reaction to it. Scientists... was spotted on the whiteboard in a classroom, most likely a chemistry class. I will probably never need to know the chemical structure of formaldehyde, but now I know it by heart, and how to spell it, too. -via redd... Coral #walkingdeadafilm @TheWalkingDead... ...cs were good, but they didn’t really go for puns . Of course, Twitter users go directly for the pun , whether they have graphics or not. #StarWars Ep... ...shel #WalkingDeadAFilm @TheWalkingDead— Ben Punter (@b...*cover* #snackbooks @roseperson ...amp; Noble to come up with the best literary food puns . The titles flew thick and fast, and Twitter user... display was spotted at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. The same thing can be seen at a few other museums around the world if you look closely enough. Museum curators are a wacky bunch, according to one comm...[](Vide... ...quo;ll be on the dark side." That's just 2 of the puns that this news presenter in the UK crammed into a... strange thing will happen this weekend when the Swedish national football team plays Denmark in the Euro 2016 qualifying match. The scoreboard will read:Advantage: Sweden. If you think this isn’t quite fair, mayb...