The idea of keeping a tick around is bad enough, b... ...y tell where this comic was going long before the punch line. Still, we are suckers for a good pun you reckon maybe that therapy isn't the best ti... ...rapist must be a dad. but the tire came in with a pun , so you can't blame the doc for taking advantage.... are those who throw footballs, and there are... useful in the grand scheme of things? A double pun from Raynato Castro and Alex Culang at Buttersafe... and Cori Gunderson are into Christmas decorat... ...tions in a big way. But they are all based on bad puns ...and a few glasses of wine.[ great costume that looks exactly like some pop c..., especially after a few drinks. Here are some pun costumes that may make you groan, but you'll laug... ...combined two outrageous modern phenomenons into a pun costume that you might figure out if you think fo... .... The Hero We DeserveBeth Grimes h... people are confused, others just want to be difficult. This comic from Megacynics could have ended after the second panel, but they had to get some digs into each other. In case you don't get "it," It is a movie. Fi... tournament brackets are usually reserved fo... ...y day. The first regional tournament was full of pun names, and the second was for sexual names (some... ...s, and the second was for sexual names (some also puns ). Sometime today, the third of four regions will...'s a headline for your inner 12-year-old. Monday, two pickup trucks collided in Newark, Delaware, and one of the trucks smashed into the laboratory of the AnalTech company, leaving a large hole behind. A bad odor began... Martial Arts in Orillia, Ontario, is next... ...ence or synchronicity? Do I subconsciously choose pun -ready locations?It's a clever pun , but as you could have guessed, it sparked a disc... ...spices). Of course, being pedantic only ruins the pun in the sign. -via... weird old postcard from Germany is undated, b... band”.I'm sure you can come up with more punch lines.