For too long, city design centered on buildings and roads, which makes sense until you think about what a city should really be designed around: the people who live and work there. And visitors, too. Buildings can be bea... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...hought to ask some experts in what’s called psychology .Beginning with the founders of the psychologic ar... ...ould use a good cigar.CitationsWundt: Outlines of Psychology , W.M. Wundt (C.H. Judd, trans.), Wilhelm Engelman... ....Titchener: &ldqu... thinking has been regarded as a motivator... ...d results that matter. Read about the research by psychology stories aren't just in the business of selling people the every day basics they need, they're ultimately there to make money. That's why they use some very clever tricks to get people to buy more than they need a... know the story of Narcissus. We've aware of narcissism, the psychological condition of being obsessed with one's self. But do we understand what's wrong with these people? [] (YouTube link...'s a difference between sadness and clinical depression. We all feel sad sometimes, possibly often, but that doesn't always mean we are suffering from a chemical imbalance. As The School of Life points out in this v... are so emotionally complex we feel emotions we can't even describe very well, so all of our complex emotions tend to get lumped into generic categories such as anger or sadness.But indescribable simply won't work...[](Vide... ...tudy conducted by University of Michigan-Dearborn psychology professors Pamela McAuslan and Marie, Waung it's... NBC)Good news: you're not stuck in the friendzone.Bad news: you're just an acquaintance.Researchers gave a survey to 84 college students in the same class. It asked them to rate their relationships with each othe... McAndrew and Koehnke)What does it mean to... ...blished an article on the subject in New Ideas in Psychology . They define creepiness as not obvious danger, bu...