In 1953, a spate of one-eyed sheep baffled farmers... ...d enough, the story includes hedgehog genes and a protein called smoothened. But it will all make sense as... ...lab people who spend years working to isolate one protein Craig Hatfield)You can't unring a bell, bu... ...ornia at Irvine, and his colleagues untangled the proteins of cooked egg whites to return a key protein to its previous uncooked state. A press release q... ...r, we describe a device for pulling apart tangled proteins...'s a research paper that reveals the mechanism... ...part amphibian! Or at least produces an amphibian protein . Here's the abstract:Wolverine, a mutant from the... ...which Wolverine regenerates. Widentified a novel protein , dubbed Howlett, that is nearly identical to the... ...d Howlett, that is nearly... RNA sequences (microRNA) from plants have be... humans. One microRNA found in rice restricts a protein that helps remove particles linked to bad cholest... new rave scene is about to kick off in your loca... ...shiva University recently developed a fluorescent protein that will illuminate the inside of our bodies lik... you chew a piece of mint gum and then take a... ...colder, that's an illusion from your brain and a protein called TRPM8. TRPM8 doesn’t just respond to co...