Twitter user Ted Merz shares this photo that he snapped from New York City. It shows a conventional delivery bike, which are common in the city. But this one has a printer mounted over the front wheel. The printer is loa...[](Video Link)That old printer isn't obsolete. It just has a new purpose: making music. We've previously seen floppy disk drives used to play the Doctor Who theme, Star Wars music and a Bach piec... Well, last month, I sent a print job to a networked color printer and it came out 6 days later. So maybe the Human Printer at the University of Derby isn't so bad. Its members make halftone photographic images, one...[vimeo 52866292](Video Link)These old fax machines... ...](Video Link)These old fax machines, hard drives, printers and modems understand: the times, they are a-chan... link) Joshua Noble, Martin Fuchs, and Philip Whitfield built "ReceiptRacer", a game that can be played on a receipt printer. It's like a classic arcade racing game in which the player must drive down a twisty p... in Japan are developing an ink-jet printer that can embed paper with particular smells: In the most common type of ink-jet, a pulse of current heats a coil of wire, creating bubbles that force a small volu... Link) YouTube user horseattack made a functional printer from LEGOs and a felt tip marker. It prints 75 dots per square inch in the Helvetica font. He programed the entire system from scratch and plans to...