Doctors told Belinda Waite of Bampton, UK that she had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. After she went into labor and three hours before her daughter was born, Waite was informed that she was instead pregnant: Miss Waite wa... transplants have been thus far unsuccessful... ...which could mean it lasts long enough to carry a pregnancy to term.[...] Their most recent study involved... Brook University primatologist Diane Doran-Sheehy discovered something intriguing about the sneaky mating behavior of female gorillas that may explain human monogamy: how female gorillas use strategic sex to her ad... morning, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar announced they are expecting their 19th child in March. 42-year-old Michelle Dugger was surprised to find she is pregnant only eight months after the birth of her 18th child. T... stereotype has always been there, but a recent... ...e National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy provided a hard number to the startling phenomeno... ...a hard number to the startling phenomenon of teen pregnancy in the American Latino communities: 53% of young..., parents: are you sick and tired of your whiny baby? Want to raise a tough kid that will take on real life and beat it so bad that it screams uncle? Here's the Neatorama guide on how to... posted about the surprising news that the octuplets' mother already having 6 children. Today, more disturbing details are emerging about the woman:The woman who gave birth to octuplets this week conceived all 14 of he...