It's the job of a human immune s... ...w come a woman's body doesn't reject the fetus in pregnancy ? Researchers at NYU School of Medicine ma... the maternal immune system during pregnancy ?” explained lead investigator Adrian Erleba...'t blame me for the title, bu... ...alf of mothers had normal BMIs before pregnancy , and 9.6 percent were obese, meaning... Morrison runs the funny and informative blog Pregnant Chicken. A search term inspired her to provide a new and needed service. Every so often I notice that someone has found this site by searching "Pregnant Woman Po..., of course! Who would go outside without one?... ...each of which approximates a different period of pregnancy , corresponding to the second and latter trimester... Link Takuya Iwamoto from the Japan Advan... ...te of Science and Technology created this virtual pregnancy outfit that simulates the interior kicking and wr... ...blogs/nstv/2011/06/future-of-virtual-reality-what- pregnancy things happen to your body when you are pr... ...months and doctors are likely to induce labor if pregnancy goes on too long. That being said, it is possible... pregnant for a whole year. The world's longest pregnancy lasted 375 days, strangely, the baby was only a l..., but true. A recent study led by Shevach F... ...ty and Sterility showed that laughter can promote pregnancy :To test the idea, the research team had a medical... Sirivong was put on bed rest during he... ...Shirley Sirivong was put on bed rest during her pregnancy and has to follow a strict diet for gestational d... the brouhaha over the story of a woman wh... for a C-section. A resident in charge made the pregnancy diagnosis and doctors agreed to surgery after try... condition is pseudocyesis (false or hysterical pregnancy Link) Seahorses and a few related fish are the only species where the males can get pregnant. These males take eggs from females and nurture them in their brood pouches. Researchers have discovered that male...