Neatorama Posts Tagged "planes"
This Airline Wants to Help You Join the Mile High Club...

(Image: Otto's Flight Academy)Have you ever wanted to join the mile high club? Doing so usually requires you to break the law, but now you can do it in a completely legal way. Of course, you have to give up the thrill of...
Forget Snakes on a Plane, Here Are Falcons on a Plane!...

Redditor lensoo posted this photo saying a friend...  ...It's also relatively common for them to travel on planes in that part of the world.According to Atlas Obsc...  ...the UAE. The regulations about falcons flying on planes are pretty strange, but also pretty interesting....  ...y interesting. You can read mo...
Beautiful Pictures Depicting the View From Airplane Windows...

Some people hate air travel, which is understandable considering how uncomfortable the process can be these day, but for many, the discomfort is easy enough to overlook in favor of the excitement of travel. If you fall i...
Downed Luftwaffe Aircraft during the Battle of Britain...

The Battle of Britain was Germany's first major de...  ...troyed.What did England do with all those wrecked planes ? They recycled them, using the metal to manufactu...  ...recycled them, using the metal to manufacture new planes for the war effort. But first, they posed for pic...
Vapor Trails and Cones...

Photo: Wikimedia Commons They look straight out a science fiction movie, but those circular vapor trails of the B-17 Flying Fortress over the night skies of Europe during...
The Power of Positive Lightning...

Airplanes are built to withstand bolts of lightnin...  ...withstand bolts of lightning, because strikes on planes happen now and again. But in 1999, a glider soari...
no. 751 - @JimGaffigan...

  ~Illustrated by Joy and Noelle of Twin...  ...oelle of Twins Are Weird~ Hey people that sit on planes
Contraband Images by Taryn Simon...

Pictured is cow dung toothpaste from India, one of the many contraband items Taryn Simon photographed over a five day stay inside JFK Airport. While items such as heroin and animal corpses are outright nefarious, oth...
Hiding Lockheed Plant During World War II...

It’s amazing what a little camouflage can do.  Apparently during World War II to avoid potential bombing the government went to great lengths to disguise an aircraft  plant.  Check out more of these amazing photos a...
"Cloud" Cloud Writing...

Artist Ron English took skywriting to a whole new level when he wrote the word "cloud" five times over Manhattan and let the words slowly become clouds. Lest you think Mr. English is one of those "artists" who thinks doi...

NeatoShop Products Tagged "planes"
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