Fishfinger? Turtle Recall? I'd catch them ... on "net"flix of course! With a name like that, creative agency Fishfinger is morally obligated to create 62 fish-inspired movie posters. A few examples:... art director Michael Jason Enriquez c... ...d went about to answer it with a bit of Photoshoppery' good, Hercules! Alexis Persani and Leo Caillard collaborated in a project called "Street Stone" to digitally clothe marble statues thus instantly transforming them... those TV shows where regular people are made over to look like celebrities? Well, Planet Hiltron, a project by Danny Evans is the exact opposite: the New York City-b...'s a cat, of course! Artfully done by Svetlana of Fat Cat Art: Link - Thanks Svetlana! Previously on Neatorama (also by the same artist): Art with Cats... ...Absolutely no photoshoppery involved here, no siree. I refuse to believe... (L) Viki Yeo (M) Olivier Ponsonnet (R) Lindsey HeyesAdvances in computer graphics have allowed movies to be shot mostly or even entirely on digital backlot (I'm looking at you, Sky Captain and Sin City) - but how ab...[caption id="attachment_34185" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="(©BP p.l.c) Before boat deck/After boat deck"][/caption] Some public relations photos recently released by BP, supposed to show the world that t... all photoshoppers! Our web pal designboom has just launched a design competition in collaboration with Nissan, called "Think Outside the Parking Box."Challenge conventional urban parking! playful enhanc... moustaches are so iconic that they are an ess... ...m looking at you, Alex Trebek).Thanks to a little photoshoppery , we no longer have to imagine what famous charact...