Neatorama Posts Tagged "photography"
This Couple's Parents Bugged Them About Having Kids -So They Did A Puppy Baby Photoshoot...

Married couple Abby and Matt were sick of being harassed by their parents about having a baby, so when they went to adopt a puppy, they had a brilliant idea about how to get their family to leave them alone.They had thei...
Photographer Shows Us What Bedrooms Look Like Around The World...

La Paz, BoliviaMany Americans take the size and comfort of their bedrooms for granted, never stopping to think how good they have it when they complain about the outdated decor, lack of light or that it's "too small".Jam...
You Are So Beautiful...

Otavalo, EcuadorTurkish photographer Mehmet Genç goes by the online name Rotasiz Seyyah, which translates to "non-route traveler." His latest project involves taking a picture of a women, then telling her that she...
This Is What Brooklyn Looked Like Before The Hipster Invasion...

There's a whole generation who thinks of Brooklyn, New York as the Hipster capital of the U.S., a place where the artsy and pretentious gather to discuss how cool they are over craft cocktails.But Brooklyn was originally...
Ayumi Omori’s Twins in Dreamland...

. 姉ちゃんからのトドメ . . Они будут бороться снова.A photo posted by ayumi (@ayumiichi) on Jun 29, 2016 at 10:21pm PDT Ayumi Omori is the mother of two-year-old twins, a boy and a girl. N...
Photos Showing Just How Overcrowded China Has Become...

Hearing how overcrowded it is in China and seeing it in pictures are two different things, because nothing registers the meaning of the word "overcrowded" quite like a photo.China is currently home to a staggering 1.3 bi...
Former Janitor Collects And Photographs Items Siezed From Immigrants...

The stuff we carry around in our bags, purses and pockets when we leave the house says a lot about who we are, where we come from, and our standing in society.So imagine what all the stuff carried by immigrants says abou...
Two Days In The Life Of Andy Warhol...

It was easy to get caught up in Andy Warhol's artsy persona and forget that he was still a pretty normal guy, who lived a fairly simple life and had few vices or fetishes despite public assumption.In fact, when you perus...
The Vastly Different Bodies of Champion Athletes...

All 5 women pictured here are world-class athletes that have spent years honing their bodies into perfection. On the left is Kim Chizevsky, a bodybuilder. In the center is Cheryl Haworth, a weightlifter. On her left is O...
9 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of a Shark Week Cinematographer...

Shark Week is upon us, as it has been for 28 years. While we marvel at the awesomeness of the predators of our nightmares, you have to wonder about the folks who actually get in the water with them to get the footage. An...

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