(Image Link)Photobombs are a hilariously unpredict... ...ost make that captured moment much more memorable. Photobombing began way before the camera phone, and celebs are... ...ld still be seen carrying on the tradition of Mod photobombing by sticking it to the Bieb from behind his back..... ...ombed the scen...
Celebrities Who Have Mastered The Art Of Photobombing
These Cats Have Mastered The Art Of The Photobomb...
(Image Link)When you see a dog photobombing a picture chances are the canine in question just... ...around them, but cats have made an artform out of photobombing pictures taken by their pesky humans.(Image Link)...
Queen Elizabeth Photobombs a Selfie...
Glasgow, Scotland is hosting the 2014 Commonwealth Games, which are taking place now. Queen Elizabeth II made a surprise visit to a women's field hockey game between Australia and Malaysia. Australian player Jayde Taylor...
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