(Photos: @aqua_rondo)New seasons of the anime seri... ...otos: @aqua_rondo)New seasons of the anime series Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Detective Conan have begun. To promote them,... ...ire sculpture. From this direction, it looks like Phoenix Wright . . .. . . and from...
Amazing 3d Anamorphic Sculpture Turns into 2 Different Anime Characters...
Video Game Themed Restaurant Will Serve Delicious Brain Cakes...
This is not the sort of place you'll want to t... ...l brain cakes, Monster Hunter well done meat, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney make-it-black-and-white seafood cream pasta, all...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney-The Movie Trailer
(YouTube Link) This production of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is not a fan film, nor is this a parody trailer m...
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