The following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...ponse variables such as age and gender as well as personality type. A historical background is included togethe... ...included together with a wide range of references. Personality Clue Strength: Appearance or Odor?“Seeing o... ...ance or Odor?&ld... Himanshu Bansal and a couple of bioscience com... ...what is going on than the messy issues of radical personality change or brain damage.Popular Science looks at t..., I was at a large workplace lunch. It required great concentration because I had to pretend to be normal for over an hour. I think that I did reasonably well. At one point, my boss insisted that I engage in interpe... Munroe of xkcd presents a dozen different ways to project the earth onto a map, and analyzes the fans of each. My favorite (after the globe, of course) is the Robinson projection, which pegs my lifestyle pr... anemones may look like lumps of gela... than most other animals tested for personality in the wild. A variety of vertebrates and a handf... ...a bacterium—are members of the personality club, but the researchers say sea anemones... kind of personality does your Roomba have? None, I suppose. But what... ...ave if the technology were available to give it a personality . The busy Dutch team were asked to rate a notion... ...o rate a notional future robot vacuum cleaner’s personality traits for desir... do siblings - despite having much of the same... ...lings: physical characteristics, intelligence and personality . According to Plomin, in two of these areas, sibl... ...ise," says Plomin, "is when you turn to personality ."Turns out that on tests that measure perso...