Eric Carr is a master percussionist . At his YouTube channel EMC Productions, he teach... ...his drum kit as he describes the project, tells a percussion joke, and performs songs, the most challenging of... Porter is a master percussionist who teaches his art at the University of Lethbrid... ...lays Brazilian, Japanese, Tahitian, and Caribbean percussion instruments.In this short video, he runs through... ...rimba.Check out Porter's YouTube channel for more percussion AFP Yabba dabba DO-RE-MI!... ...a dabba DO-RE-MI! Talk about caveman rock: Percussionists from the French National Orchestra will play a so...[] (YouTube link)High school drummers Nigel, Dylan, Matt, Elias, and Jordan won a school talent show with this routine. I don't doubt it a bit! They supposedly put the routine together in less...[] (YouTube link)These LEGO Bionicles have rhythm! Giuseppe Acito linked them up with Arduino Uno, a MIDI sequencer app for iPad, a drum pad, and some xylophone keys. You can read more about it...[] (YouTube link)We've... ...themselves around -not another guy! Still, these percussionists link) Sound Artist Diego Stocco is at the CES convention in Las Vegas. Sudden inspiration came from the resonant sound of a trash can, so he recorded this impromptu performance on his iPhone. -Thanks, Diego!... link)Experimental musician Diego Stocco passes in front of a dry-cleaning establishment almost every day. The sounds that came from the machinery there fascinated him, so he got permission from the owner to turn...