Psychopaths are commonly seen as people who do not consider the thoughts and feelings of others. Or when they do, they don't care about those thoughts and feelings. Arielle Baskin-Sommers of Yale University has been stud... universe is so big and complicated that mere humans can only perceive a small part of it, and understand even less of it. Sure, our relative intelligence and ability to grasp abstract concepts is what separates is fr... learn in school that we have five senses: eyesi... ...ense of knowing where our body parts, temperature perception , and a sense of balance. We only become aware of... the late 1950s and early ‘60s, Cambridge-... ...rational scientists to study human attention and perception . Read about Cornell’s ghostly shenanigans a... are notoriously bad at detecting whether a... ...hat a man is flirting with them. A person’s perception and interpretation of another’s behavior is... Keiner gives us an interactive tool to simulate the advance of time over our lifespan. Be thankful that he gave us a 100-year life, as this is a data visualization about relativity. You scroll down to follow y... Kube is a game of perception . All you have to do is select the square that&rsq...[] (YouTube link)Now that everyone is arguing over the color of a dress, AsapSCIENCE steps in to explain how people perceive and interpret colors differently. First impressions can be confusing..., maybe not always, but men are much more likely to misinterpret a woman’s friendliness as flirting than women misinterpret men’s behavior. About 90% of American women report that a man thought she was ro... "Cheerleader Effect" is a theory advanced by the character Barney Stinson on the TV show How I Met Your Mother (although it did not originate with him) that says women look more attractive in a group than they do ind...