pennies occupying jars and coin banks, but never seem to... to make use of the beautiful copper shine of pennies , turning them into larger art pieces. For those u... ...s. For those under the impression that the use of pennies or other coins in projects like this is ille... Sonya Clark's shoes made of pennies and copper sheets comfortable? Probably not. But... Lou Skaggs made twelve tiny oil paintin... ...lve tiny oil paintings not on canvas or wood, but pennies . This one, "Field of Sleeping Peasants," is an ho... Gilberti thought that his traffic ticket was... ...ine, so he decided to pay with real cents: $56 in pennies !That's when he got into more trouble:"I went... ...ot;I went to the bank and got $56 worth of rolled pennies and went down to the court house and they refused... ...mption this was cash.&qu...