The title sounds like a question a five-year-old would ask, and most of us would reply with something like "I don't know," or "It has to be some color." But it's a valid question, and MinuteEarth has the answers, which g... has been noticed for centuries -if not longer-... who recognize it just call it “asparagus pee smell.” And there’s some difference i... ...—the most prominent smell in your asparagus pee . These chemicals usually have a low boiling point... ...e with that familiar odor.But who... few things about pee from the new book Uncle John’s Bathroom Rea... ...War II, he showed his contempt for the country by peeing in the water.The male strawberry poison dart frog... ...son dart frog keeps its mate hydrated and warm by peeing on them. The 16th-century in... court case in Germany pitted a tenant against a landlord on the proper way for men to urinate. The landlord had confiscated €1,900 of his tenant’s €3,000 deposit due to damage to the marble bathroom flo... Fail Blog When you're trying to... ...igan Bluff) asks runners "what color is your pee " using various beer. If your pee[] (YouTube link)We are aware that there is a definite lack of public facilities in Indian cities. Even where there are public toilets, many men are in the habit of relieving themselves in any... Mount Tabor Reservoir in Portland, Oregon, has... ...nt Tabor reservoir has been drained because a man peed in it. An incident in 2011 caused 7.8 million gal... are strange times for paleontology. Finding... .... And now scientists are finding evidence of dino pee .The first possible dinosaur pee trace to be discovered was described only recentl... ...iplodocus.But wait a minute: did dinosaurs really pee like that? They are rela... physicists have worked out the optimal way for... ...nce, and the results to determine the best way to pee to keep urine from getting all over the restroom... ...inal, and whether it is better to stand or sit to pee . Their results will be published later this month... incident at the Bridgeport Village Regal Cinema in Portland, Oregon, involving multiple law enforcement agencies, turned out to be a comedy of errors. During the movie Prisoners, an elderly man stood up and urinated....