There's a new war of sorts in Venezuela. Embattled President Nicolas Maduro has sent government inspectors and soldiers into the bakeries of the country's capital in search for illegal brownies (no, not that kind... via redditor iBleedorange)These are trdeln&... ...his case, an unknown genius has filled the hollow pastry want to talk about an ubusual hobby? Try recre... ubusual hobby? Try recreating album covers in pastry ! The Twitter account Album Pies posts home-baked... you happen to be planning an Evil Dead them... ...ecronomicnom, if you ingest a slice of this scary pastry an admitted coffee junkie, I'm curious about this NPR story about this new drink from 85C, a coffee chain from Taiwan, sea salt latte: "It's really unique," says Stephanie Peng, manager of the company's flag...