The Jaws poster was so iconic that is has beco... ...poster was so iconic that is has become ripe for parodies and being as how it's Shark Week right now, there... now, alternate endings on movies are rarely shocking. After all, practically every DVD special feature area seems to have at least one, if not multiple story endings and they usually are at least a little predictable.... Link) Once upon a time, TLC was an educational channel. Now it shows increasingly eccentric reality and remodeling programs. If you haven't watched it in a while, yes, this is a parody. But only by a littl... Swedish Bed has a collection of Star Wars knoc... ...Wars knockoffs, television ads, music videos, and parodies Link) The opening to last night's episode of The Simpsons parodied "Tik Tok", a song by American pop singer Ke$ha (that's how she spells it). Featuring Groundskeeper Willy brushing his teeth with a bottle... great Japanese video features the filming of a The Ring parody, staring an adorable celebrity chimp, Pan-Kun. The effect is not so scary, but completely hilarious. Link Via Tokyo Mango...