Following up on the success of last year's hilarious parody, College Humor has filmed a three-part action movie parodying the children's TV show Dora the Explorer. Behold the first part of Dora the Explorer and the Desti... town of Scarfolk, England is imaginary (I checked). It's the subject of graphic designer Richard Littler's ongoing project showing life in a horrifying town that never left the 70s:Scarfolk is a town in North West En... Link)This Bob Dylan parody video... ...could be better than dog shaming and classic rock parodies ?Via Cute Overload humorist Kevin Underhill imagined a horrifying world in which the greatest works of Western literature were composed by attorneys. At the link, you can read selections from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Hearin... single-purpose tumblr blog Hair Barrels sees surfing opportunities in every celebrity's haircut. Especially Conan O'Brien. His mane is like the Pipeline in Hawaii.Link -via David Thompson...[youtube YHrGVcthvB8](Video Link)Dexter is more than just a serial killer with a code. He's also a junior mad scientist with an annoying sister. Dexter has to feed his Dark Passenger and the schoolyard gives him plenty o...[youtube CtuKJzeNctE](Video Link) Six ponies are going to a fan convention. Their motives are somewhat questionable. Applejack, for example, is renting a dealer's table to sell her amateurish artwork. You want, uh, risqu... Link) Wow. This is the most romantic song that I've ever heard. Stevie Haimes and Anna Sudac have absolutely topped Céline Dion's original "The Power of Love." I only wish that I had had this video available... Link) Wes Craven is so cheesy. These days, it's all about Wes Anderson, which is why I would much rather pay to see this version of Scream than the original. Via BuzzFeed... Link) It's a love story about nothing...and it might be one of the funniest parody videos I've seen in a very long time. Via BuzzFeed...