Parking Citation Nifty NoteDoes the way people park endle... ...ietly and anonymously berate people for their bad parking behavior? Now you can with the Parking Citation Nifty Note was from the NeatoShop. This... Ben-Baruch parked her car on the street outsi... find that her car had been towed away, and the parking spot was now designated as a handicapped parking space! Apparently, the lines had been painted whi... ...kels ($95) to get her car back, plus the fine for parking... are so dependent on cars compared with t... ...on cars compared with the rest of the world that parking meters are often seen (or remembered) as an annoy... ...ow about them, the more interesting the story is. Parking meters were developed to aid traffic flow and act... ...rnatives that gave rise to... Fitzgerald, an unemployed single mother,... ...yed single mother, has racked up over $105,000 in parking ticket fines for a car that she wasn't aware she... ...t.Now three years later, the car has received 687 parking tickets, equaling a hefty $105,761.81 fine. The E... ...Fitzgerald found out about..., it's a park on a trailer. This is one of the... ...rks" seen around Louisville, Kentucky, on Friday. Parking Caitlin Huston/Pharos-Tri... ...Mayor Ted Franklin of Logansport, Indiana, got a parking ticket for parking in an area reserved for police cars. Solut... ...or police cars. Solution: Turn that Police Parking Only spot into a Mayor *strong cl... link) This guy may soon find himself transferred to a windowless office. -via Breakfast Links... Zuokas, mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania, h... ...had enough. The mayor was so fed up with illegal parking that he took a spin in a Russian armored personne... ...ends to be proactive in its fight against illegal parking .” That's at least one driver who won't be parking... link) A time-lapse video from a secu... ...a reveals a game in which the goal is to escape a parking Johno Lee, a British veteran... ...fghanistan, applied for and was denied a disabled parking permit three times. Meanwhile, he racked up £800... ...times. Meanwhile, he racked up £800 in fines for parking in reserved spots so he could unload his wheelcha...