Need a liver? In the future, you can 3D Bi... ...nt one. Keith Murphy of biotech company Organovo (previously on Neatorama) presented adv... ...our millimetres wide. Yet this minute organ , with little visual resemblance to th... ...CYP 1A2 and CYP 3A4 -- which this... took one step closer toward t... ...took one step closer toward the holy grail of organ transplant, growing a functioning organ in vitro and transplanting them:... ...the collagen scaffold that gives the organ its three-dimensional s... Meal Transport - $19.95 Do you need a new and inventive way to hide your scrumptious lunch from coworkers? You need the Emergency Meal Transport (EMT) from the NeatoShop. This fantastic insulated lunch bag has... Link) This is the awesomest thing you... ...t thing you will see all day. Okay, it's a barrel organ that plays Star Wars music, but it's so much more... ...Tatooine. The LEGO pieces trip levers that press organ keys, so the scenes play music. The studio Builde... Louise Burns makes crocheted human organs , including thyroid glands, brains, smoker's lungs... at Brown University have grown an ovary... ...n ovary in a Petri dish, using donated cells. The organ is more than a tissue culture; it is a working organ composed of three specific types of tissue which... ...ndergo cancer therapy, for instance. For now, the organ... in the Luray Caves, Virginia, this has got t... ...onishing musical instruments in the World. The organ was designed by Leland Sprinke in 1956 and replac... ...y Leland Sprinke in 1956 and replaces traditional organ pipes with the stalactites found naturally in the... ...nd naturally in the caverns.... open in a new browser window/tab)... ...inal Star Wars score at once with a sine Electone organ . Link QI - What's The Commonest Metal I...