Neatorama Posts Tagged "organ transplant"
Waste Not Want Not: Appendix Transplantation

The following is an article from The Annals of Imp...  ...abti, MD, Andrew A. Skolnick, MS Livermore Transplantation Unit Canker Treatment Center of America, Omaha,...  ...Center of America, Omaha, NebraskaA conventional organ Organ transplants save many human lives, and a...
Lab Grown Kidney Successfully Transplanted Into Mice

Scientists took one step closer toward t...  ...took one step closer toward the holy grail of organ transplant , growing a functioning organ in vitro and transplanting them: In the latest work, Harald...  ...the collagen scaff...
EMT - Emergency Meal Transport...

EMT Lunchbox | $19.95 Here's a guaranteed conve...  ...ep sandwich and drink perfectly chilled, ready to transplant right into your waiting stomach. The Emergency Me...  ...h. The Emergency Meal Transport is labeled "Human Organ for Transplant ," but you can explain that away....
Black Market Liver Transplants

Does it look like Cajun Mike's in New Orleans is offering a bargain? Counteroffer: the NeatoShop will give you the same service at 10% off whatever price Cajun Mike's quotes you. -via That's Nerdalicious! | Bar We...
Can "Opt-Out" Organ Donation Law be the Solution?

The problem with organ transplantation is, of course, there's not enough donors...  ...this be the solution: a proposed Welsh law where organ donation is the default and people have...  ...;opt out" if they don't want their organs be...
The First Synthetic Trachea Transplant

Swedish surgeons at Karolinska University Hosp...  ...have successfully grown a donor free trachea and transplanted it into a patient, who is now recovering and doin...  ...atient, who is now recovering and doing well. The organ was created using the patients own stem cells, wh...  ...anner means the body is les...
Uterus Transplant Planned

A couple of years ago, I mentioned that researcher...  ...ioned that researchers were making headway toward transplanting a human uterus. Now doctors in Sweden have schedu...  ...doctors in Sweden have scheduled an experimental transplant between 56-year old Eva Ottosson and her 25-year...  ...rom, who is leadin...
World's First Organ Donor Dies -56 Years Later

Ronald Lee Herrick was 79 years old when he died M... for eight years and was the first successful organ transplant , according to the United Network for Organ Sharing. Lead surgeon Dr Joseph Murray went on to... the Nobel prize. The operation proved that transplants...
The Kidney Kingpin of India...

When Eleni Dagiasi flew from Athens to Delhi for a... Dagiasi flew from Athens to Delhi for a kidney transplant , little did she know that her trip would involve...  ...urns out, the man she trusted to perform a kidney transplant surgery was known as India's Kidney Kingpin.Yudhi...  ...ite an intriguing s...
New Technique Keeps Heart Alive 10 Days After Removed from Body...

(YouTube Link) Most organs that are removed from bodies for transplants can last only four to eight hours before they bec... "Somah" -- a chemical mix that can preserve organs . The above video shows a pig heart being revived...  ...-both of which must be pres...

NeatoShop Products Tagged "organ transplant"
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